Other Important Handouts:
Directions and Addresses to this season's BSYWC events.
IMPORTANT: Sanitation Guidelines
This document has been provided to us from SMSD, which are guidelines for skin and gear sanitation for wrestlers. Skin infection prevention is extremely important, so everyone must do their part to keep all of our youth healthy!
Singlets cost BSYWC A LOT of $$$, so they need to be carefully maintained and wisely worn so they can be used for many years to come...please follow these instructions to maximize the life of your wrestler's singlet...
Competition Procedures
What to do and expect for our matches and tournaments... this may be helpful for wrestlers and their parents who are new to wrestling...
The Basics (for parents new to wrestling)
Two very informative publications, "Youth Wrestling Guide" and "Wrestling Basics," both geared for parents and their wrestlers who are new to our awesome sport....
Sponsorship Letter and Form
Directions to BSYWC Events
Singlet Use and Care...IMPORTANT!!!
For those individuals or businesses interested in supporting BSYWC this season.
Click the link to download the BSYWC Calendar
***Note - Events and times are subject to change. For the most current schedule click here***