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Boiling Springs Youth Wrestling Club 

You can download a copy of our bi-laws (BSYWC) below. 

Central Penn Youth Wrestling League 

This league is composed of member teams who have a common goal of teaching young wrestlers this great sport. Teams in the league participate in Saturday meets where wrestlers from league schools are paired with eachother based on age, weight, and ability to obtain the valuable experience we all refer to as "Mat Time".


The League is not a sanctioning body. No membership fees are accessed. It’s sole function is to provide a forum for general sameness among member teams, with respect to age, weight categories, and wrestler ability. It provides for those wrestlers wishing to participate. 

Central PA Wrestling Association 

The purpose of the CPWA shall be to establish and maintain a program of supervised wrestling for children. This will be accomplished through the formation of a wrestling league comprised of youth wrestling programs of schools belonging to PIAA district three.


The CPWA is our travel team league. Below is link to tournaments, meet schedules, results, videos and other league information. 

BSYWC and Affiliated Leagues

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