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  • Seth Hughes

Elections for Boiling Springs Youth Wrestling!

Have you ever wanted to get involved? If so, now is your opportunity. BSYWC has the following board positions available:


The President shall: 1. Supervise all Officers and Board Members and preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. 2. Assure that the provisions of these By-Laws are adhered to at all times. 3. Cast a deciding vote in the case of a tie. 4. Shall be the main point of contact with all affiliated leagues and associations and the school district.

Vice President:

The Vice President shall: 1. Assume such duties and accept such responsibility in managing the Affairs of the Club as the President may assign. 2. Assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in his or her absence or disability.


The Treasurer shall: 1. Receive and act as custodian of all monies or other property paid or donated to the Club and to disburse said funds for the payment of liabilities of BSYWC. 2. Keep a true and accurate account of all receipts and expenditures. 3. Submit financial reports at all regularly-scheduled meetings.

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